

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2023-12-19 发布人:


Preparation before work

应对车辆进行检查,蓄电池电量充足,各类开关 插接件操作手柄踏板轮胎气压及紧固件处于正常状态。如果发现操作机构不良,应该立即停机,并向管理人员报告故障情况。

The vehicle should be inspected to ensure that the battery is fully charged, and all types of switch connectors, operating handles, pedals, tire pressure, and fasteners are in normal condition. If the operating mechanism is found to be faulty, the machine should be immediately shut down and the fault situation reported to the management personnel.


Starting of the second vehicle


Release the handbrake lever and turn on the power switch. Place the direction switch handle in the forward (or example car) gear first, then press the accelerator pedal to start the vehicle. If there is an error in the program, the forklift will not start.

注意:如蓄电池刚充足电,叉车启动前须让门架升降3- 5次,以免过高浮电压损坏电控卡。


Attention: If the battery is just fully charged, the forklift must be lifted 3-5 times before starting to avoid damage to the electronic control card due to excessive floating voltage.


Three driving and loading and unloading


I want to change the direction of travel while driving. Lei first released the accelerator pedal and then changed the direction switch handle. The steering wheel controls the rear axle steering of the forklift. Turn the steering wheel counterclockwise (when a person is sitting in the seat), turn the car to the left, turn clockwise, turn the car to the right, and this direction will not change whether moving forward or backward.


When working in narrow areas or harsh road surfaces, pay attention to the distance and avoid collisions.


When carrying goods, the weight and size of the goods should comply with the load curve regulations on the vehicle, and overloading should not be allowed. It is important to ensure that the transported goods are in the center position of the gantry and not offset.


When carrying goods, the fork should be about 300mm above the ground, and the gantry should be tilted backwards to make the goods stick tightly to the back wall of the fork. It is strictly prohibited to brake or turn sharply during the transportation of goods.


After the completion of work


Stop the forklift, turn off the power switch, set the direction switch to "neutral", and the cargo will descend to the ground.


Tighten the handbrake and disconnect the main power switch plug.


The battery should be charged in a timely manner according to the instructions to avoid over discharge and over charging.

注意: 1 叉车行驶中,如电控器失控,则应该拉动总电源插头手柄及时断开总电源。

Attention: During the operation of a forklift, if the electronic control loses control, the handle of the main power plug should be pulled to disconnect the main power in a timely manner.

吊装电池时,箱体两侧的四个挂钩孔应同时挂钩起钓,严禁只用二只挂钩起钓,否 则有箱体变形挤伤电池的危险。

When lifting the battery, the four hook holes on both sides of the box should be hooked for fishing at the same time. It is strictly prohibited to use only two hooks for fishing, otherwise there is a risk of deformation of the box and squeezing of the battery.


Thank you for reading. The source of this article is Jinan Forklift Rental. For more information and questions, please click: http://www.jnhgjx.net We will continue to work hard to provide you with services. Thank you for your support!

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