

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2023-11-24 发布人:


(1) Attention should be paid to observation. People should stand in front of the second-hand forklift and carefully check whether the gap between the upper and lower parts of the forklift door frame is consistent. If the gap is different, it indicates that the forklift has worked under overload for a long time or that an accident has occurred.


(2) Squat down and check if the steering system directly behind the second-hand forklift is consistent with what others have introduced.



(2) There are two types of steering: mechanical and hydraulic: hydraulic, also known as a combination of full hydraulic and mechanical hydraulic. Full hydraulic, commonly known as a horizontal cylinder, and mechanical, called a triple plate. In addition, it is necessary to check whether the gaps between all the connecting parts of the second-hand forklift are large. If they are large, it indicates that the forklift has a high usage rate and may incur significant maintenance costs after purchase.


(4) Start the second-hand forklift and listen for a noticeable answering sound from the engine. Check if the engine runs smoothly. After adding a few long throttle strokes, release the throttle to see if the engine responds sensitively.


(5) When purchasing a second-hand forklift, it is necessary to conduct a no-load test drive and a full load test. It depends on the performance of the entire second-hand forklift. If it can reach 85% or more of the new car, it is already very good. Remember not to trust those who conduct overloaded test drives. Generally, problems with high throttle test drives are not easily detected, so both no-load and load tests should be conducted with low throttle and medium oil. It takes about 5 minutes to stop and turn off the engine when fully loaded, and check if the goods on the gantry are sinking.


With the summary on second-hand forklifts in Jinan, I hope it can be helpful to our customers. If you have any questions or need help, please click on our website: http://www.jnhgjx.net Or call for consultation, and we will do our best to solve it for you

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