

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2023-06-06 发布人:

With the continuous development of industrial production, Heli forklift has become one of the essential equipment for internal transportation in enterprises. As the energy source of the hybrid forklift, batteries ensure the normal operation of the forklift. However, if there is a problem with the 'Heli forklift battery fault light constantly on', it will directly affect the normal operation and even bring losses to the enterprise. So, what is the reason why the battery fault light of Taian Heli forklift always lights up?
1. Battery aging
The battery life of Heli forklift is approximately 3 years. Long usage time can cause battery aging and a decrease in capacity, which in turn affects the charging time. If the battery is not fully charged, it will cause the problem of "the battery fault light of Heli Forklift always lights up" to occur.
2. Charger failure
The charger is one of the main charging devices for Heli forklifts. If there are problems with the charger, such as a decrease in output current or communication failure, it will bring unexpected problems to the battery charging process, which can easily lead to insufficient battery output and long-term insufficient charging, resulting in the situation of "Heli forklifts battery fault light constantly on".
3. Circuit board failure
Improper battery replacement or manual operation may cause damage to the wiring on the circuit board. When the circuit is damaged, it will affect the output current of the battery, making it unable to output electrical energy normally, leading to the problem of "the fault light of the Forklift battery always lights up".
4. The water level is too low
There is a certain amount of electrolyte inside the battery, and if the water level is too low, the temperature of the battery will increase accordingly. When the battery temperature reaches a certain limit, it will quickly be scrapped. And the battery fault light of the forklift will also light up. It should be noted that in batteries with high busbars, it is not advisable to add water when the electrolyte is insufficient to prevent the internal busbars from becoming damp and shorten the battery life.
There are multiple reasons for the problem of the battery fault light on Heli forklift being constantly on, and a comprehensive and systematic investigation is needed to address this issue. In the midst of busy schedules, enterprises should also attach importance to the use and maintenance of Heli forklift batteries to ensure normal forklift operation, improve work efficiency, and reduce work losses. For more information on related devices, please visit our website http://www.jnhgjx.net consulting service

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