

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2023-07-10 发布人:


1. Grasp the features. Firstly, comprehensively collect and understand all the symptoms of the malfunction, and determine whether it gradually occurs during use or suddenly; Did it occur during forklift maintenance or repair; Under what circumstances and conditions are the phenomena obvious; Under allowable conditions, change the working state of the forklift, understand the changes in phenomena, and grasp the characteristics of its fault phenomena.
2. Analyze the essence. There are always one or two substantive reasons for the occurrence of any fault, which must be analyzed and determined from the surface to the inside, and then searched to avoid taking a detour. If the exhaust pipe of a forklift engine emits black smoke, it is essentially caused by incomplete fuel combustion, so the key to oil, gas, and their mixing should be grasped. To accurately grasp the key, it is necessary to be familiar with the structure, working principle, and conditions required for normal operation of forklifts, and make accurate judgments.
3. Avoid blindness. In the process of diagnosing forklift faults, try to avoid blind disassembly as much as possible, otherwise it will cause waste of manpower, materials, and time; At the same time, attention should be paid to preventing malfunctions caused by incorrect disassembly.
The commonly used diagnostic methods for forklift faults include instrument detection, instrument detection, and visual diagnosis. In the interim, intuitive diagnosis is a commonly used method for forklift fault diagnosis, which is characterized by relying on human perception, such as eyes, ears, mouth, nose, tongue, and hands, without the need for technical means such as testing instruments, equipment, and tools. When a driver encounters a forklift malfunction, they first identify the symptoms of the malfunction, then use intuitive diagnostic methods for reasoning and analysis, and then make a judgment.
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