

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2024-01-13 发布人:


How to increase or decrease the speed of a semi electric forklift is not recommended by manufacturers, as the speed of each vehicle is adjusted according to national safety regulations. The quality of personal experience cannot determine whether to change this measurement standard. The manufacturer is not responsible for any series of safety issues caused by forcibly adjusting the speed.



The speed of a semi electric forklift is adjusted from the internal parameters of the controller and cannot be changed externally. So adjusting the speed of a semi electric forklift depends on the configuration of the vehicle and the controller. Professional operators or manufacturers must assist in the operation to avoid unnecessary malfunctions.

半电动叉车的升降速度是起重系统的升降性能要求为:满载大起升速度≥24m/s,超出此范围,则说明有故障产生。在升降过缓或降速过快的情况下,可检查安装在升降缸底座上的限速阀,当滑阀中的回位弹簧刚度值低于设计要求,滑阀与阀孔配合过紧的情况下,滑阀将不能全开,造成升速过缓。如滑阀的节流孔过大,则将造成下降速度增大。如节流孔被脏物堵住,也可能造成下降速度大大低于标准值 ,影响叉车作业效率。这也是不允许的,需即时排除堵塞所造成的故障。如门架侧滚轮、主滚轮与门架配合间隙过小,则会由于摩擦力的增大而影响升降速度,甚会引起轻载时叉架卡住不能靠自重下滑,在这种情况下,需将侧滚轮垫片组重新调整,以获得较大的侧隙。如果是由于主滚轮卡在门架槽钢中不能下滑时,可做若干次满载升降动作,半电动叉车此故障基本能排除。

The lifting speed of a semi electric forklift is the lifting performance requirement of the lifting system: the lifting speed at full load is ≥ 24m/s. If it exceeds this range, it indicates that a fault has occurred. In the case of slow lifting or rapid deceleration, the speed limiting valve installed on the base of the lifting cylinder can be checked. When the stiffness value of the return spring in the slide valve is lower than the design requirements and the fit between the slide valve and the valve hole is too tight, the slide valve will not be able to fully open, resulting in slow acceleration. If the throttle hole of the slide valve is too large, it will cause an increase in the lowering speed. If the throttle hole is blocked by dirt, it may also cause the descent speed to be significantly lower than the standard value, affecting the efficiency of forklift operation. This is also not allowed, and any faults caused by blockages need to be promptly resolved. If the clearance between the side roller and main roller of the gantry is too small, it will affect the lifting speed due to the increase of friction, and even cause the fork to get stuck and cannot slide down by its own weight under light load. In this case, the side roller gasket group needs to be readjusted to obtain a larger clearance. If the main roller is stuck in the channel steel of the gantry and cannot slide down, several full load lifting actions can be performed, and this fault can be basically eliminated for semi electric forklifts.

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