

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2024-01-11 发布人:


The main body of the narrow aisle shelf is a crossbeam shelf, with the difference being that the bottom of the shelf is installed on the ground. The characteristic of the "three-way stacking forklift" with a larger action guide rail is that the channel is much narrower than the ordinary beam type, about 1600mm to 2000mm, greatly improving the space utilization rate of the warehouse. It is precisely because the forklift handling channel of the shelving system is relatively narrow that it is called narrow aisle or narrow aisle shelving.



In warehouse operations, the advantages of transitioning from traditional tunnels to narrow tunnels are clear at a glance. Only by adopting a narrow aisle configuration can enterprises store 20% to 25% of their products in the same space. What's even more impressive is that if converted into very narrow tunnels, the system can store more than 40% to 50% of the products. Moreover, in today's era of cost control being the top priority, companies expect narrower warehouse alleys to be better. However, in fact, the situation seems to be different. Under the development trend of limiting the level of building area and improving space utilization, the warehouse roadway has widened slightly. The reason is that the physical and safety factors are simple, and the height requires a narrow aisle. The bottom of the forklift is larger, resulting in a larger body. The width of the second aisle must match it. In addition, ergonomic design factors also make the operating room more spacious, resulting in a larger forklift volume and wider roadway width.


The three main forklifts suitable for narrow aisle operations are forward forklifts, side forklifts, and order picking trucks. The American Industrial Vehicle Association categorizes these vehicle models into the second category of industrial vehicles, including high lift forklifts, side forklifts, cargo picking trucks, and low lift pallet trucks.


The type selection of narrow aisle forklifts depends on the usage method and mainly has two functions: shelf transportation and order selection. Today, we will mainly introduce a narrow aisle four way forward forklift. The four-way forward forklift is designed to carry a large amount of goods on and off shelves during high loading and unloading debugging, and also has the ability to work in narrow tunnels and transport products over long distances. The four-way electric forklift integrates forward moving forklifts, side forklifts, and balanced heavy-duty forklifts. Structurally, it is basically the same as a forward moving forklift. The door frame is located between the front and rear wheels, and there are two arm shaped protruding legs in front of the car. The front end of the legs is equipped with supporting wheels, and the goods can move longitudinally forward and backward with the gantry. Its turning ability enables them to be flexibly applied to pallet cargo handling operations on shelves.


This article is dedicated by Jinan Forklift Rental. For more related knowledge, please click: http://www.jnhgjx.net We will provide you with comprehensive service with a sincere attitude. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned

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