

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2024-02-05 发布人:


Maintenance and upkeep is one of the processes that every construction machinery needs to go through, and forklifts cannot be an exception. If not maintained, it is inevitable that certain problems will occur, which will have a significant impact on the labor intensity, transportation efficiency, forklift technical condition, and driving safety of drivers. Therefore, to ensure the safety of forklift driving, the following maintenance work should be done for the forklift after use.


Forklift maintenance service providers can develop a comprehensive and reasonable preventive maintenance plan for our forklifts, such as how often side to side inspections are conducted


◆ Development of maintenance plans


Forklift maintenance service providers can develop a comprehensive and reasonable preventive maintenance plan for our forklifts, such as how often they should be inspected on each side, a test checklist for program debugging, etc. These data can provide us with a reference for forklift maintenance. Secondly, technical personnel should provide us with a project list every time they inspect, so that we can better understand the current working status of forklifts.


For the lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, etc. of forklifts, it is necessary to regularly check the oil level to prevent poor working condition and severe wear of the forklifts, and timely replenish the oil level



◆ Cleaning of forklifts


In the preventive maintenance plan, do not forget the cleaning work of forklifts. There are many reasons for forklift malfunctions, but long-term failure to remove debris, debris, dust, and other debris can also lead to the occurrence of small malfunctions. Therefore, when making a preventive maintenance plan, this should be included, as good cleaning is crucial for forklift maintenance.


◆ Oil, water, and electricity for forklifts


For the lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, etc. of forklifts, it is necessary to regularly check the oil level to prevent poor working condition and severe wear of the forklifts. The oil level should be replenished in a timely manner. Electric forklifts, electric stackers, and electric carriers should pay attention to checking the capacity of battery water and replenishing it in a timely manner. [For specific details, please refer to the relevant content of "Strictly Adhering to Forklift Safety Operating Regulations and Resolutely Eliminating Safety Accidents".]


A perfect preventive maintenance plan for forklift service providers requires a reasonable fee and consideration of which company has a higher cost-effectiveness, which can effectively reduce the cost of forklift use


◆ Reserve of vulnerable parts


Pay attention to the storage of vulnerable parts. For some vulnerable parts, such as seals, a small amount should be reserved during work. In emergency situations, if you can determine the fault yourself, you can handle it yourself if you want to replace the vulnerable parts.


◆ Maintenance costs


A perfect preventive maintenance plan for forklift service providers requires a reasonable fee and consideration of which company has a higher cost-effectiveness, which can effectively reduce the cost of forklift use.

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