

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2024-01-23 发布人:


Internal combustion forklifts are further divided into ordinary internal combustion forklifts, heavy-duty forklifts, container forklifts, and side forklifts.

① 普通内燃叉车

① Ordinary internal combustion forklift

一般采用柴油、汽油、液化石油气或天然气发动机作为动力,载荷能力 1.2~8.0吨,作业通道宽度一般为3.5~5.0米,考虑到尾气排放和噪音问题,通常用在室外、车间或其他对尾气排放和噪音没有特殊要求的场所。由于燃料补充方便,因此可实现长时间的连续作业,而且能胜任在恶劣的环境下(如雨天)工作。

Generally, diesel, gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas, or natural gas engines are used as power, with a load capacity of 1.2-8.0 tons and a working passage width of 3.5-5.0 meters. Considering exhaust emissions and noise issues, they are usually used outdoors, in workshops, or other places without special requirements for exhaust emissions and noise. Due to the convenience of fuel replenishment, it can achieve long-term continuous operation and is capable of working in harsh environments (such as rainy days).

② 重型叉车

② Heavy duty forklift

采用柴油发动机作为动力,承载能力 10.0~52.0吨,一般用于货物较重的码头、钢铁等行业的户外作业。


Using diesel engines as power, with a carrying capacity of 10.0-52.0 tons, it is generally used for outdoor operations in industries such as docks and steel with heavy cargo.

③ 集装箱叉车

③ Container forklift

采用柴油发动机作为动力,承载能力 8.0~45.0吨,一般分为空箱堆高机、重箱堆高机和集装箱正面吊。应用于集装箱搬运,如集装箱堆场或港口码头作业。

Using diesel engines as power, with a carrying capacity of 8.0-45.0 tons, it is generally divided into empty container stacker, heavy container stacker, and container front crane. Applied to container handling, such as container yard or port terminal operations.

④ 侧面叉车

④ Side Forklift

采用柴油发动机作为动力,承载能力 3.0~6.0吨。在不转弯的情况下,具有直接从侧面叉取货物的能力,因此主要用来叉取长条型的货物,如木条、钢筋等。

Using a diesel engine as the power source, with a carrying capacity of 3.0-6.0 tons. It has the ability to fork goods directly from the side without turning, so it is mainly used to fork long shaped goods, such as wooden bars, steel bars, etc.


Folding electric

以电动机为动力,蓄电池为能源。承载能力 1.0~8.0吨,作业通道宽度一般为3.5~5.0米。由于没有污染、噪音小,因此广泛应用于室内操作和其它对环境要求较高的工况,如医药、食品等行业。随着人们对环境保护的重视,电动叉车正在逐步取代内燃叉车。由于每组电池一般在工作约8小时后需要充电,因此对于多班制的工况需要配备备用电池。

Powered by an electric motor and powered by a battery. The bearing capacity is 1.0-8.0 tons, and the width of the working passage is generally 3.5-5.0 meters. Due to its lack of pollution and low noise, it is widely used in indoor operations and other environmentally demanding working conditions, such as in industries such as medicine and food. With people's increasing attention to environmental protection, electric forklifts are gradually replacing internal combustion forklifts. Due to the fact that each group of batteries usually needs to be charged after about 8 hours of operation, backup batteries are required for multi shift working conditions.


Folding storage


Warehouse forklifts are mainly designed for handling goods in warehouses. Except for a few warehouse forklifts (such as manual pallet forklifts) that are manually driven, others are all electric motor driven and widely used in the warehousing industry due to their compact body, flexible movement, light weight, and good environmental performance. When working in multiple shifts, electric motor driven storage forklifts require backup batteries.


Folding transport vehicle


The carrying capacity is 1.6~3.0 tons, the width of the working passage is generally 2.3~2.8 meters, and the lifting height of the cargo fork is generally around 210mm. It is mainly used for horizontal handling and cargo loading and unloading in the warehouse. There are three operating modes available: walking, standing, and sitting, which can be selected according to efficiency requirements.


Folding stacker truck


Electric pallet stacker trucks are divided into two types: fully electric pallet stacker trucks and semi electric pallet stacker trucks. As the name suggests, the former is for driving, and both lifting and lowering are electrically controlled, which is relatively labor-saving. The latter requires manual pulling or pushing of forklifts, while the lifting is electric.

承载能力为 1.0~2.5吨,作业通道宽度一般为2.3~2.8米,在结构上比电动托盘搬运叉车多了门架,货叉提升高度一般在4.8米内,主要用于仓库内的货物堆垛及装卸。

The carrying capacity is 1.0-2.5 tons, and the width of the working passage is generally 2.3-2.8 meters. In terms of structure, it has an additional gantry compared to electric pallet handling forklifts, and the lifting height of the forks is generally within 4.8 meters. It is mainly used for stacking and loading and unloading goods in the warehouse.


Folding forward moving car


The load-bearing capacity is 1.0-2.5 tons, and the gantry can be moved forward or retracted as a whole. When retracted, the width of the working passage is generally 2.7-3.2 meters, and the lifting height can reach about 11 meters. It is commonly used for stacking and picking up goods at medium and equal heights in warehouses.


Folding electric sorting car


In certain working conditions (such as supermarket distribution centers), it is not necessary to ship the entire pallet, but to select multiple varieties of goods according to the order to form a pallet, which is called picking. According to the height of the picked goods, electric picking forklifts can be divided into low level picking forklifts (within 2.5 meters) and medium high level picking forklifts (up to 10 meters high).


The bearing capacity is 2.0-2.5 tons (low level) and 1.0-1.2 tons (medium high level, with cab lift).


Low position driving three way stacking forklift


Usually equipped with a three-way stacking head, forklifts do not need to turn, and the forks can rotate to stack and pick up goods on both sides. The aisle width is 1.5-2.0 meters, and the lifting height can reach 12 meters. The cab of the forklift is always on the ground and cannot be lifted. Considering the limitations of the operating field of view, it is mainly used for lifting working conditions with a height of less than 6 meters.


High position driving three way stacking forklift

与低位驾驶三向堆垛叉车类似,高位驾驶三向堆垛叉车也配有一个三向堆垛头,通道宽度 1.5~2.0米,提升高度可达14.5米。其驾驶室可以提升,驾驶员可以清楚地观察到任何高度的货物,也可以进行拣选作业。高位驾驶三向堆垛叉车在效率和各种性能都优于低位驾驶三向堆垛叉车,因此该车型已经逐步替代低位驾驶三向堆垛叉车。

Similar to the low position driving three way stacking forklift, the high position driving three way stacking forklift is also equipped with a three way stacking head, with a channel width of 1.5-2.0 meters and a lifting height of up to 14.5 meters. The cab can be raised, and the driver can clearly observe goods at any height, and can also perform picking operations. High position driving three way stacking forklifts have better efficiency and various performance than low position driving three way stacking forklifts, so this model has gradually replaced low position driving three way stacking forklifts.


Folding electric tractor


Electric tractor (trailer)


The tractor is driven by an electric motor and utilizes its traction capacity (3.0-25 tons) to pull several small carts loaded with goods from behind. The main categories include: electric traction vehicles for airport logistics, workshop electric traction vehicles, small electric traction vehicles, electric three wheeled traction vehicles, often used for the transportation of large quantities of goods within or between workshops, such as transportation from automotive manufacturing warehouses to assembly lines, and luggage transportation at airports.

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This article is supported by Jinan second-hand forklifts. For more detailed and exciting content, please click on our website http://www.jnhgjx.net We will wholeheartedly provide you with satisfactory service.

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