

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2021-04-07 发布人:


The main reasons for the increasing proportion of electric forklift are as follows:
1. More stringent environmental protection policies and more awareness of environmental protection. With the increasingly stringent environmental regulations and the improvement of people's awareness of health and environmental protection, more and more users choose electric forklift.
2. Progress in technology. For example, with the rapid development of electronic control technology, the operation of electric forklift becomes more and more comfortable, the scope of application is more and more wide, and there are more and more solutions to logistics, such as pallet stacker, forward forklift, three-way narrow channel forklift and so on. Electric forklift solves many problems that internal combustion forklift can't do, especially plays a very important role in warehouse logistics system solutions .
3. The use cost is lower than that of internal combustion forklift. Although the purchase cost of electric forklift is higher than that of internal combustion forklift with the same load capacity, the total use cost of electric forklift is lower than that of internal combustion forklift in the life cycle.

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