

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2019-02-22 发布人:


  In rainy days, we often have to unload forklift trucks because of working reasons. However, rainy days also bring many problems to the work of forklift trucks. Now let me talk about the problems that should be paid attention to in the forklift work of Jinan Forklift Taxi Company on rainy days.
  Observation of road conditions: Pavement conditions must be paid attention to in rainy days, especially in places with particularly thick soil. After heavy rains, the soil is wet and slippery, and when working in these places, attention must be paid to the surrounding environment.
  Forklift parking in rainy season: If conditions permit, it is better to park in the garage, try to avoid parking in excessively humid environment and choose indoor storage. Anti-rust operation is very important, long-term parking should start the machine once a month and run in parallel to make the battery charged. The grease on the piston rod should be wiped after the machine is stored for a long time, and the parts should be filled with grease. When the machine is parked, it is necessary to keep the working device dry and clean, and not to get water in, so as not to rust and make the operation of the machine inconvenient.
  Some careless drivers think they can put the car in the garage, but they don't notice that the engine part is just under the eaves, and when the rain rushes on the engine, the scene... I've seen it with my own eyes, so don't be too careless about parking.
  Timely cleaning: Forklift chassis must be cleaned after rainy season operation, maintenance and refueling of necessary places to prevent rust, check whether the oil discharging screw is loose, even if maintenance is carried out, the machine should be removed in time where water is found. Avoid rust affecting the flexibility of the machine.
  雨季工作时应注意防风,防塌,防潮,防滑等。雨中工作时刻保持警惕,夜间工作应保持叉车前后大灯,工作灯,顶灯,仪表灯 ,雨刷等的正常工作,确保。当然我济南叉车出租公司建议除非万不得已不然还是不要雨天作业。
  When working in rainy season, we should pay attention to windproof, anti-collapse, moistureproof, anti-skid and so on. Be vigilant when working in the rain and keep the front and rear headlights, working lights, headlights, instrument lights, wipers of forklift trucks working at night to ensure safety. Of course, I suggest Jinan Forklift Taxi Company not to work on rainy days unless absolutely necessary.

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