

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2019-01-07 发布人:

叉车是指对成件托盘货品进行装卸、堆垛和短间隔运输作业的各种轮式转移车辆。国际规范化组织ISO/TC110称为工业车辆。属于 物料转移机械 。广泛应用于车站、港口、机场、工厂、仓库等国民经济各部门,是机械化装卸、堆垛和短间隔运输的设备。

  Forklift truck is a kind of wheeled transfer vehicle which carries out loading and unloading, stacking and short-interval transportation of parts pallet goods. ISO/TC110, an international standardization organization, is called industrial vehicle. It belongs to material transfer machinery. It is widely used in stations, ports, airports, factories, warehouses and other departments of the national economy. It is an efficient equipment for mechanized loading and unloading, stacking and short-distance transportation.
  Self-propelled forklift truck appeared in 1917. During the Second World War, forklift trucks were developed. Forklift trucks have been manufactured in China since the early 1950s. Forklift trucks are classified by structure into six categories: balanced forklift truck, forward forklift truck, side forklift truck, legged forklift truck, crossing truck and special forklift truck. The balance weight forklift truck is the most widely used, often referred to as forklift truck. Forklift truck transfer is mostly aimed at finished goods. When forks are replaced with various appliances (forklift fittings), a variety of goods can be transferred.
  Forklift truck mainly consists of the following equipment:
  Power equipment. Such as internal combustion engine and battery-motor.
  (2) Driving equipment. It is divided into mechanical, hydraulic and hydraulic transmission equipment.
  (3) Steering equipment. Such as steering gear, steering wheel, steering tie rod, etc.
  (4) Working equipment. Also known as portal frame, by the internal portal frame, external portal frame, fork rack, fork, sprocket, chain, lifting cylinder and skew cylinder and other components.
  (5) Hydraulic system and braking equipment. It shows that the main parameters of forklift function are rated lifting weight under standard lifting height and standard load center distance. The load center distance is the distance between the center of gravity of the goods and the front wall of the straight section of the fork.
  Points for Attention in Use of Battery Forklift Truck
  1、 初次试车时要将车轮抬起,这样即便有衔接错误,也不会发生风险。
  1. Raise the wheels during the first test run, so that there will be no risk even if there are connection errors.
  2、 电瓶充电时,必须将充电回路与斩波器完全脱离,由于除了影响充电机充电外,充电机发生的过电压也 会危害斩波器。
  2. When the battery is charged, the charging circuit must be completely separated from the chopper, because in addition to affecting the charging of the charger, the overvoltage of the charger will also endanger the chopper.
  3、 要特别注意电瓶到电控的走线应平行布置并且要尽量短。
  3. Special attention should be paid to the parallel arrangement of battery to electronic control and the shortest possible route.
  4、 车辆在工况恶劣、通风困难的场所作业时,主张对控制器实施强制通风。 什么叫叉车大起重量和载荷中心?它们的联系怎么? 货品与载荷中心处于同一铅垂线时,叉车所能装卸货品的大重量,称为叉车的大起重量;规范载荷到货叉笔直段前壁的水平间隔称为叉车的载荷中心。通常载荷中心是按规范在设计时规则的亦即不同起重量的叉车一般情况下载荷中心是不同的。当货品的在载荷中心规模内地,叉车能以大起重量进行装卸作业,否则叉车的稳定性会遭到损坏而易发生事端。
  4. When a vehicle is working in a place with bad working conditions and difficult ventilation, it advocates forced ventilation for the controller. What is the maximum lifting weight and load center of forklift truck? How are they connected? When the center of gravity and the center of load are in the same vertical line, the maximum weight of the forklift truck can load and unload goods is called the maximum lifting weight of the forklift truck. The horizontal interval between the standard center of gravity and the front wall of the straight section of the forklift truck is called the load center of the forklift truck. Usually the load center is designed according to the rules of the code, that is to say, the load center of forklift trucks with different lifting weights is different in general. When the center of gravity of the goods is in the inland of the load center scale, the forklift truck can carry out loading and unloading operation with the maximum lifting weight, otherwise the stability of the forklift truck will be damaged and easy to happen.
  The above contents are arranged and published by Jinan used forklift truck. For more information, please click on our official website for input consultation: http://www.jnhgjx.net.

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