

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2019-10-09 发布人:

  What are the ways to reduce the wear of used forklift trucks?
  1.加强轮胎保养。 为了走得更远,人们会选择舒适耐磨的鞋子。 如果叉车要得到很好的维护,则对于轮胎的维护关重要。
  1. Strengthen tire maintenance. In order to go further, people will choose comfortable wear-resistant shoes. If forklift truck is to be well maintained, it is very important for tire maintenance.
  (1) In the case of blocking small holes, the cutting and cracking of tires must be checked in time.
  (2) Carefully check the air pressure, inflate the tire according to the prescribed air pressure, and regularly check and adjust the tire pressure under the cold state and certain load.
  (3) Excavate rocks, remove gravel from time to time, and possible tread marks between glass and metal sheets. If the wound is too big, new tires should be replaced in time.
  (4)经常检查轮胎温度,夏季温度高,避免阳光直射,不要用冷水或放弃气压; 如果冬天室外停车时间过长,应将模板放在轮胎下方,启动后热车应热。
  (4) Check tire temperature regularly, high temperature in summer, avoid direct sunlight, do not use cold water or abandon air pressure; if winter outdoor parking time is too long, the template should be placed under the tire, hot car should be hot after starting.
  2. Quality maintenance of website.
  提高驾驶技巧。 平稳启动,并避免突然加速,突然制动和急转弯。 如果遇到石头,坑洼或尖锐物体,应放慢速度。
  Improve driving skills. Start smoothly and avoid sudden acceleration, sudden braking and sharp turns. If you encounter rocks, pits or sharp objects, you should slow down.
  3. Reasonable selection and matching of tyres.
  According to the working speed, road condition, the dead weight of forklift truck and the static load produced by cargo, and the dynamic load of tire when forklift truck is running, the matching is carried out.
  4. In order to prevent tyre overload, goods should be installed in a balanced manner.
  Above is the relevant content of second-hand forklift truck, I hope to help you.

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