

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2019-03-13 发布人:


  The performance of forklift trucks is very important, I believe you all know, but the performance of a forklift truck is directly determined by the performance of forklift parts. In general, the superior performance of high-quality forklift parts is often reflected in many aspects, such as high efficiency, high reliability, low cost, good ergonomic design and convenient service. So, how to judge the performance of forklift truck parts?
  1. High security
  The safety design of forklift trucks should fully guarantee the safety of drivers, goods and forklift trucks themselves. High-quality forklift truck accessories often take every detail and possibility into account in safety design.
  2. Low Cost
  The total annual cost of the company's purchase and use of forklift trucks includes:
  ① 人工成本
  (1) Labor costs
  ② 维护成本。北京叉车租赁本车主要适用于汽车生产装配线零部件搬运、生产车间内部零部件搬运,邮政、铁路等系统邮件、行李搬运,医药、烟草等系统药品、货物搬运,大型展览会筹备组委会资料搬运,仓储物流系统小型设备、货物搬运等对空间要求以及高度要求比较高的场所。
  Maintenance cost. Beijing forklift truck rental car is mainly suitable for parts handling in automobile production assembly line, parts handling in production workshop, mail and luggage handling in postal and railway systems, medicine and tobacco systems, medicine and cargo handling, information handling of Organizing Committee for large-scale exhibitions, storage and logistics system, small equipment and cargo handling, which require high space requirements and high requirements. Place.
  ③ 采购成本。
  (3) Purchasing cost.
  ④ 能耗成本。叉车出租叉车是工业搬运车辆,是指对成件托盘货物进行装卸、堆垛和短距离运输作业的各种轮式搬运车辆。国际标准化组织ISO/TC110称为工业车辆。常用于仓储大型物件的运输,通常使用燃油机或者电池驱动。北京叉车租赁叉车在企业的物流系统中扮演着非常重要的角色,是物料搬运设备中的主力军。广泛应用于车站、港口、机场、工厂、仓库等国民经济中的各个部门。第二次世界大战期间,叉车得到发展。从20世纪50年代初开始制造叉车。特别是随着经济的发展,大部分企业的物料搬运已经脱离了原始的人工搬运,取而代之的是以叉车为主的机械化搬运。因此,在过去的几年中,叉车市场的需求量每年都以两位数的速度增长。
  (4) Energy consumption cost. Forklift taxi forklift truck is an industrial transport vehicle. It refers to all kinds of wheeled transport vehicles which carry out loading and unloading, stacking and short distance transportation of pallet cargo. ISO/TC110 is called industrial vehicle. It is often used for the transportation of large items, usually driven by fuel engines or batteries. Beijing forklift rental forklift truck plays a very important role in the logistics system of enterprises, and is the main force in material handling equipment. Widely used in stations, ports, airports, factories, warehouses and other sectors of the national economy. During the Second World War, forklift trucks were developed. Forklift trucks have been manufactured in China since the early 1950s. Especially with the rapid development of China's economy, the material handling of most enterprises has been separated from the original manual handling, replaced by forklift-based mechanical handling. Therefore, in the past few years, the demand of forklift truck market in China has increased at a double-digit rate every year.
  3. High efficiency
  The high efficiency rate of forklift parts not only means high speed (driving, lifting and descending speed), but also means that the operator needs a short time to complete a work cycle and can maintain this efficiency throughout the working time. Many factors can promote efficiency:
  ① 良好的视野。
  Good vision.
  ② 操作的精确性。
  (2) Accuracy of operation.
  ③ 人机工程设计的应用,减少操作控制动作的次数。
  The application of ergonomics design can reduce the number of operation and control actions.
  ④ 人机工程设计的应用大限度地大化减少疲劳。叉车租赁叉车是现在人们常用的搬运车辆之一,是成件托盘货物进行装卸、堆垛和短距离运输、重物搬运作业的各种轮式搬运车辆。广泛应用于港口、车站、机场、货场、工厂车间、仓库、流通中心和配送中心等,并可进入船舱、车厢和集装箱内进行托盘货物的装卸、搬运作业,是托盘运输、集装箱运输中必不可少的设备。
  The application of ergonomics design can minimize fatigue. Forklift rental forklift truck is one of the most commonly used handling vehicles. It is a kind of wheeled handling vehicle in the whole pallet cargo handling, stacking, short distance transportation and heavy goods handling industry. Widely used in ports, stations, airports, cargo yards, factory workshops, warehouses, distribution centers and distribution centers, and can enter the cabins, carriages and containers for pallet cargo handling, handling operations, pallet transport, container transport is an indispensable equipment.
  ⑤ 速度的高低,如行驶速度、提升和下降速度等。
  (5) Speed, such as driving speed, lifting and descending speed.
  If you have the demand of Jinan forklift truck rental, you can click on our official website for consultation: http://www.jnhgjx.net

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