

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2019-01-02 发布人:

叉车防冻液的效果:防冻和冷却防冻液的全称为防冻冷却液,从姓名上就可以看出它有两项主要的功用:就是防冻,第二为冷却。防冻液可以避免车辆在寒冷冬天停车时冷却液结冰而胀裂车辆的冷却系统,而在夏天则可以避免“开锅”。 什么是开锅?

  The effect of forklift antifreeze: antifreeze and cooling antifreeze are all called antifreeze coolant. From the name, it can be seen that it has two main functions: the first is antifreeze, the second is cooling. Anti-freezing fluid can prevent the cooling system from freezing and cracking when the vehicle stops in cold winter, and can avoid "boiling" in summer. What is boiling pot?
  咱们常说的“开锅”是指发动机水箱中的冷却水到达沸点,并发生很多水蒸气,正如家中煮开水相同。由于水温到达了沸点,会发生很多气泡,冷却系统中一部分面积被气泡所占据,就会使气缸壁周围严重亏水,然后使得发动机缺乏冷却,会使活塞、活塞环、连杆等部件的强度降低,乃变形,承受不了正常的负荷,一起也会破坏各零件间的正常空隙,使零件间不能保持正常的油膜,轻则会使发动机拉缸、拉瓦,重则还会使整个发动机损坏乃作废。 此外,防冻液除了“防冻”之外,还有一个特性就是沸点高。咱们都知道水的沸点为100℃,而防冻液的沸点一般都在110-120℃,这对保护发动机、避免“开锅”有显着的效果。举一个简略的比如,桑塔纳发动机的作业温度为90-105℃,捷达为85-115℃,假如全部用水取代防冻液的话,不光不防冻,并且在夏天还容易开锅。 防冻液除了具有“冰点低、沸点高”特点外,还具有防腐蚀和防水垢的效果。
  We often say "boiling" means that the cooling water in the engine water tank reaches the boiling point and generates a lot of water vapor, just like boiling water at home. As the water temperature reaches the boiling point, many bubbles will occur. A part of the cooling system occupied by bubbles will cause serious water shortage around the cylinder wall. Then the lack of cooling of the engine will reduce the strength of the piston, piston ring, connecting rod and other components, and even deform them, which can not withstand normal loads. Together, it will also destroy the normal voids between the parts, so that the parts will not be able to withstand normal loads. The normal oil film can make the engine pull cylinder and tile lightly, and the engine damage or even scrap heavily. In addition, in addition to "anti-freezing" antifreeze, there is also a characteristic of high boiling point. We all know that the boiling point of water is 100 C, while the boiling point of antifreeze is generally 110 - 120 C, which has a significant effect on protecting the engine and avoiding "boiling". For example, the operating temperature of Santana engine is 90-105 C and Jetta is 85-115 C. If all water is used instead of antifreeze, it is not only not antifreeze, but also easy to boil in summer. In addition to the characteristics of "low freezing point and high boiling point", antifreeze has the effect of anti-corrosion and anti-scaling.
  假如终年运用普通自来水,水中都含有矿物质成分,尤其是钙和镁,在高温环境中,这些矿物质会与金属件发生反应并形成难以去除的水垢,水垢也是车辆冷却系统的另一大杀手。车辆冷却系统中形成水垢后会影响“冷却水”的流动性,一起对各部件的散热也晦气。久而久之便会影响车辆冷却系统的正常作业。而假如运用专用的防冻液则没有了这方面的顾虑,它不光具有防腐蚀性,并且在制作过程中一般都是用蒸馏水,并加入防水垢增加剂,所以水垢的问题也无需忧虑。 ● 防冻液的挑选:防冻液冰点比居住地冬天低温再降10℃ 目前市面上的防冻液大致有两类,一类为浓缩液,需求兑水运用。第二类,为“即买即用”型,防冻液在运用时无需兑水。此外,整车厂商还会推出原厂指定防冻液,这类防冻液一般多为浓缩型,需兑水运用。而市面上出售的大部分“通用型”防冻液则多为“即买即用”型,购买是尽量挑选大的产品就行了。比如壳牌、嘉实多和长城等均有对应的产品。
  If ordinary tap water is used all year round, it contains mineral components, especially calcium and magnesium. In high temperature environment, these minerals will react with metal parts and form scales that are difficult to remove. Scale is another major killer of vehicle cooling system. Scale formation in vehicle cooling system will affect the fluidity of "cooling water", and the heat dissipation of each component is also obscure. Over time, it will affect the normal operation of vehicle cooling system. However, if special antifreeze is used, there is no such concern. It is not only anticorrosive, but also used distilled water in the production process and added with water-proof scale additives, so there is no need to worry about the scale problem. Selection of antifreeze solution: The freezing point of antifreeze solution is 10 degrees lower than the lowest temperature in winter in the residential area. There are two kinds of antifreeze liquid on the market at present, one is concentrated liquid, which needs to be mixed with water. The second type is the "buy-and-use" type, and the antifreeze does not need water when it is used. In addition, the vehicle manufacturers will also introduce the original designated brand antifreeze liquid, which is usually concentrated and needs to be mixed with water. Most of the "general" antifreeze liquid sold on the market is "buy-and-use" type, and the purchase is to select the products of large brands as far as possible. For example, Shell, Jiashiduo and Great Wall have corresponding products.
  关于车主来说需求注意的就是包装上冰点标识。如图所示,这瓶壳牌防冻液的冰点为零下30℃。如何挑选防冻液的冰点?建议仍是参阅您实际居住地的冬天低气温,然后再下降10-15摄氏度为宜。宝马华晨宝马宝马3系2005款 320i时髦型木内饰 防冻液的大多都不贵,其中“通用型”的防冻液主流产品根本都在40-60元一桶,容量为4升(一般轿车水箱容积差不多也是4L)。原厂浓缩型防冻液的可能会稍贵一些,一般在80元一瓶左右,容量为1.5L左右。在替换防冻液时需按份额增加,一般状况下为防冻液比水按照1:1或许1:2的份额即可。
  For car owners, the most important thing to pay attention to is the freezing mark on the packaging. As shown in the figure, the freezing point of this bottle of Shell antifreeze is minus 30 C. How to choose the freezing point of antifreeze? It is still advisable to refer to the lowest temperature in winter in your actual place of residence and then drop by 10-15 degrees Celsius. BMW Huachen BMW 3 Series 2005 320i fashionable wood interior antifreeze is mostly inexpensive, of which the price of "universal" antifreeze mainstream brand products are basically 40-60 yuan a barrel, capacity is 4 liters (car water tank volume is almost 4L). The price of the concentrated antifreeze may be a little more expensive, usually around 80 yuan a bottle, capacity is about 1.5L. When replacing antifreeze liquid, it needs to increase by share. In general, the proportion of antifreeze liquid to water should be 1:1 or 1:2.

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