

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2021-02-26 发布人:

电动叉车与内燃车相比,省去了油耗这个开支大头,特别是当前国际油价居高不下的情况下,许多企业经过实际计算后,还是发现电动堆高车,电动叉车的在使用过程中比内燃叉车要划算的多,当然叉车作为企业经常要使用的工具 当然是需要保养的,这其中很大一部分保养是保养叉车的易损件方面,因为一般的叉车企业对于易损件是不保修的,所以对于这个易损 件我们也应该了解一下到底包括哪些具体部位: 因电动叉车是用电能驱动的,常用易损件有:
Compared with internal-combustion vehicles, electric forklifts save a lot of fuel consumption, especially in the current situation of high international oil prices. After actual calculation, many enterprises still find that electric forklifts are more cost-effective than internal-combustion forklifts. Of course, forklifts are often used by enterprises Of course, maintenance is needed. A large part of the maintenance is to maintain the vulnerable parts of forklifts. Because most forklift enterprises do not guarantee the vulnerable parts, we should also know the specific parts of the vulnerable parts. Because electric forklifts are powered by electricity, the common vulnerable parts are as follows:
1.驱动轮外圈 高强度聚氨酯制作,视客户使用率。磨损时间有所不同,大部分工厂是在使用两年左右,需要更换更换非常方便,只需将全电动堆高车托起, 卸下驱动轮外圈上的螺丝,即可卸下更换。
1. The outer ring of driving wheel is made of high-strength polyurethane, depending on the usage rate of customers. The wear time is different. Most factories use it for about two years, so it is very convenient to replace it. Just lift the all electric stacker truck and remove the screw on the outer ring of the driving wheel.
2.平衡轮,承载轮 在300元左右/套,高强度聚氨酯制作,视工作强度及使用率,更换时间也不一定,因此不高, 客户一般在一年多些需要更换,也有一年不到就更换的,往往是使用强度较高的客户,这两个轮子的更换, 也非常简单。
2. The price of balance wheel and bearing wheel is about 300 yuan / set. It is made of high-strength polyurethane. Depending on the working strength and utilization rate, the replacement time is not certain. Therefore, the price is not high. Customers usually need to replace more than one year, and some need to replace less than one year. The replacement of these two wheels is very simple.
3.铅酸蓄电池 目前很多型号的叉车产品采用的是牵引免维护型蓄电池,动力持久耐用,可充放电1000个循环, 一次充电可连续使用5个小时左右,蓄电池的使用寿命,跟客户的正常维护有很大的关联,比如初次充电的 时间,使用后有没有及时充电,铅酸蓄电池不能过充电,更不能欠充电,在电能使用完之后,立即进行充电 电池就不容易被硫化,使用寿命就会更长,一般一到二年需要更换,我们长远的顾客使用两年多了, 还可以正常使用,因铅的国际高。所以蓄电池的比较高。
3. Lead acid battery at present, many types of forklift products use traction maintenance free battery, which has durable power, can charge and discharge 1000 cycles, and can be used continuously for about 5 hours at a time. The service life of the battery is closely related to the normal maintenance of customers, such as the initial charging Lead acid batteries can not be overcharged, let alone under charged. After the use of electric energy, the batteries are not easy to be sulfurized and have a longer service life. Generally, they need to be replaced in one to two years. Our long-term customers can use them normally after more than two years, because of the high international price of lead. So the price of battery is relatively high.
4.液压油 建议客户在叉车使用一年之后,更换一次液压油,更换新的液压油,主要是保证泵站及油缸的性能, 不会发生堵塞等现象。
4. It is suggested that the customer should replace the hydraulic oil once after one year of forklift operation, mainly to ensure the performance of pump station and oil cylinder and avoid blockage.

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