

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2020-06-22 发布人:


  Before operating the forklift, be sure to know the safety operation items!
  (1) Personnel
  1. 驾驶叉车的人员必须经过培训,通过生产监督部门的考核,取得特种操作证,并经公司同意后方能驾驶,严禁无证操作。
  1. The forklift driver must receive professional training, pass the examination of the safety production supervision department, obtain the special operation certificate, and drive with the approval of the company. It is strictly prohibited to operate without the certificate.
  2. 严禁酒后驾驶,行驶中不得吸烟、饮食、闲谈、打手机和讲对讲机。
  2. Driving after drinking is strictly prohibited. Smoking, eating, chatting, cell phone and intercom are not allowed during driving.
  (2) Check the vehicle
  1. 叉车作业前后,应检查外观,加注燃料、润滑油和冷却水。
  1. Before and after forklift operation, check the appearance, and fill fuel, lubricating oil and cooling water.
  2. 检查起动、运转及制动性能。
  2. Check the safety performance of starting, running and braking.
  3. 检查灯光、喇叭信号是否齐全有效。
  3. Check whether the light and horn signals are complete and effective.
  4. 叉车运转过程中应检查压力、温度是否正常。
  4. Check whether the pressure and temperature are normal during forklift operation.
  5. After the forklift is running, check the leakage and replace the sealing parts in time.
  (3) Start
  1. 起步前,观察四周,确认无妨碍行车的障碍后,先鸣笛、后起步。
  1. Before starting, observe the surroundings, and confirm that there are no obstacles hindering driving safety. After that, whistle first and then start.
  2. 液压(气压)式制动的车辆,制动液压(气压)表必须达到方可起步。
  2. For vehicles with hydraulic (pneumatic) brake, the brake hydraulic (pneumatic) gauge must be safe before starting.
  3. 叉车在载物起步时,驾驶员应先确认所载货物平稳可靠。
  3. When the forklift starts to load, the driver shall first confirm that the load is stable and reliable.
  4. 起步必须缓慢平稳起步。
  4. Start slowly and smoothly.
  (4) Driving
  1. 行驶时,货叉底端距地高度应保持300~400mm,门架须后倾。
  1. When driving, the height between the bottom end of the fork and the ground shall be 300-400mm, and the gantry shall be tilted backward.
  2. 行驶时不得将货叉升得太高。进出作业现场或行驶途中,要注意上空有无障阻物刮碰。载物行驶时,货叉不准升得太高,影响叉车的稳定性。
  2. Do not raise the fork too high when driving. In and out of the operation site or on the way of driving, pay attention to whether there is any obstacle in the air. When the load is driving, the fork shall not be raised too high, which will affect the stability of the forklift.
  3. 卸货后应先降落货叉正常的行驶位置后再行驶。
  3. After unloading, lower the fork to the normal driving position before driving.
  4. 转弯时,如附近有行人或车辆,应先发出行驶信号。禁止高速急转弯,高速急转弯会导致车辆失去横向稳定而倾翻。
  4. When turning, if there are pedestrians or vehicles nearby, send out driving signal first. It is forbidden to make sharp turns at high speed, which will cause the vehicle to lose lateral stability and overturn.
  5. 行驶叉车在下坡时严禁熄火滑行,非特殊情况禁止载物行驶中急刹车。
  5. When the forklift is going downhill, it is strictly prohibited to stop the engine and slide, and it is not allowed to brake the load in case of no special circumstances.
  6. 叉车在运行时要遵守厂内交通规则,必须与前面的车辆保持一定的距离。
  6. The forklift truck shall comply with the traffic rules in the factory during operation, and must keep a certain safe distance from the vehicles in front.
  7. 叉车运行时,载荷必须处于不妨碍行驶的低位置,门架要适当后倾。除堆垛或装车时,不得升高载荷。
  7. When the forklift is running, the load must be at the lowest position that does not hinder the driving, and the gantry shall be properly tilted back. Do not raise the load except for stacking or loading.
  8. 载物高度不得遮挡驾驶员视线。特殊情况物品影响前行视线时,倒车时要低速行驶
  8. The height of the load shall not block the driver's vision. Under special circumstances, when the goods affect the line of sight, drive at a low speed when reversing
  9. 禁止在坡道上转弯,也不应横跨坡道行驶。
  9. It is forbidden to turn on the ramp or cross the ramp.
  10. The safe driving speed of forklift in the plant area is 5km / h, and it must be safe to drive at low speed when entering the production workshop area.
  11. When lifting or driving a forklift, it is forbidden to stand on the fork to control the goods and play a balancing role.
  12. 发现问题及时检修和上报,绝不带病作业和隐瞒不报。
  12. In case of any problem, it shall be repaired and reported in a timely manner, and it shall not be operated with any defect or concealed.
  (5) Loading and unloading
  1. 叉载物品时,应按需调整两货叉间距,使两叉负荷均衡,不得偏斜,物品的一面应贴靠挡物架。
  1. In case of cross loading, the distance between two forks shall be adjusted as required to make the load of two forks balanced without deflection. One side of the goods shall be close to the retaining frame.
  2. 禁止单叉作业或用叉顶物、拉物。特殊情况拉物必须设立警示牌提醒周围行人。
  2. It is forbidden to work with single fork or use fork to lift or pull objects. In special cases, safety warning signs must be set up to remind pedestrians around.
  3. 在进行物品的装卸过程中,必须用制动器制动叉车。
  3. In the process of loading and unloading, the forklift must be braked by the brake.
  4. 车速应缓慢平稳,注意车轮不要碾压物品垫木,以免碾压物绷起伤人。
  4. The vehicle speed shall be slow and stable, and it shall be noted that the wheels shall not be rolled on the skids to prevent the rolled objects from hurting people.
  5. 用货叉叉货时,货叉应尽可能深地叉入载荷下面,还要注意货叉尖不能碰到其它货物或物件。应采用小的门架后倾来稳定载荷,以免载荷后向后滑动。放下载荷时可使门架少量前倾,以便于安放载荷和抽出货叉。
  5. When using forks, the forks shall be crossed as deep as possible under the load, and the fork tip shall not touch other goods or objects. The minimum back inclination of the gantry shall be used to stabilize the load so as to avoid backward sliding of the load. When loading, the gantry can be tilted forward a little, so that the load can be placed and the fork can be pulled out easily.
  6. 禁止高速叉取货物和用叉头向坚硬物体碰撞。
  6. It is forbidden to fork goods at high speed and collide with hard objects with fork head.
  7. During forklift forklift operation, it is forbidden to stand around the forklift so as to prevent the goods from collapsing and hurting people.
  8. 禁止超载,禁止用货叉举升人员从事高处作业,以免发生高空坠落事故。
  8. Overload is prohibited. It is prohibited to lift personnel with forks to work at heights to avoid falling accidents.
  9. It is not allowed to brake with inertia sliding, releasing, circular or easy rolling objects.
  10. It is not allowed to unload goods by forking or turning over the pallet.
  (6) Leave forklift
  1. It is forbidden to leave the forklift when the goods on the fork are suspended. Before leaving the forklift, the goods must be unloaded or the fork frame must be lowered.
  2. Pull the parking brake handle or press down the hand brake switch.
  3. Engine off, power off. (except for special circumstances, such as the driver does not leave the vehicle's line of sight for more than 1 minute).
  4. Remove the key.
  (7) Parking precautions
  1. 发动机熄火前,应使发动机怠速运转
  1. Before the engine is stopped, the engine shall be idled
  2. 2-3分钟后熄火。发动机熄火停车后,应拉紧制动手柄。
  2. Turn off the engine after 2-3 minutes. After the engine stops, the brake handle shall be tightened.
  3. 低温季节(在零度以下),应放尽冷却水,或者加入防冻液。
  3. In the low temperature season (below zero), the cooling water shall be drained out or antifreeze shall be added.
  4. 当气温低于-15度时,应拆下蓄电池并搬入室内,以免冻裂。转动机油滤清器手柄 1-2 转,检查螺栓、螺母有无松脱现象,并及时排除不正常情况。
  4. When the temperature is lower than - 15 ℃, remove the battery and move it into the room to avoid frost crack. Turn the oil filter handle 1-2 times, check whether the bolts and nuts are loose, and eliminate the abnormal situation in time.
  5. Wash and wipe the forklift and park it in the garage or designated place after routine maintenance.
  (8) Accident
  In case of any accident, the following measures shall be taken:
  1. 紧伏到方向盘上或操作手柄,并抓紧方向盘或操作手柄。
  1. Press the steering wheel or operating handle tightly, and hold the steering wheel or operating handle tightly.
  2. 身体靠在叉车倾倒方向的反面。
  2. Lean against the opposite side of the forklift's dumping direction.
  3. 注意防止损伤头部或胸部,叉车翻车时千万不能跳车。
  3. Pay attention to prevent injury to head or chest, and never jump when forklift overturns.
  The above content is a detailed introduction of forklift operation specifications. If you want to know more, please click Jinan second-hand forklift http://www.jnhgjx.net Official website.

地址:山东省济南市章丘区龙山街道济青路龙山段南侧1幢   电话:15953195999
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