

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2019-10-23 发布人:

  为什么实心轮胎变黑? 您可能还会想到为什么轮胎的颜色只能是黑色? 不能是白色,粉红色,彩虹色吗? 实际上,这个问题是一百多年前想到的,并且也得到了大力实施。 结果,每个人都以相同的方式选择黑色。

  Why do solid tires turn black? You may also wonder why the color of tires can only be black. Can't it be white, pink, rainbow? In fact, this problem came to mind more than 100 years ago and has been vigorously implemented. As a result, everyone chooses black in the same way.
  The history of tire discoloration: from color to black
  Color counterattack: endless attempts from the beginning
  在1950年代,高的富人宣扬了自己的自尊心,并再次看了看轮胎。 这次,更直接地,用粗糙的油漆擦洗轮胎表面上的刷子,然后将彩色油漆刷掉。 现在! 现在,XX油漆每天都在喊“刷新生活”。 寻找上个世纪洗过的轮胎是否有灵感? 但是,这种面部工程非常容易腐烂,并且很长一段时间以来,油漆容易脱落,斑点非常不雅,这种方法逐渐被放弃。 在1960年代,白色轮胎又回来了。 尽管性能有所提高,但性能并没有增加太多。 相反,成本飙升。 长时间使用白色后,颜色变成棕色和黄色,然后逐渐下降,这是更令人无法接受的。
  In the 1950s, the highest class of rich people publicized their self-esteem and looked at the tires again. This time, more directly, scrub the brush on the tire surface with rough paint, and then brush off the color paint. Now! Now, XX paint is calling "refresh life" every day. Is there any inspiration for looking for last century's washed tires? However, this kind of facial engineering is very easy to rot, and for a long time, the paint is easy to fall off and the spots are very indecent. This method is gradually abandoned. In the 1960s, white tires came back. Although the performance has improved, the performance has not increased much. Instead, costs soared. After using white for a long time, the color turns brown and yellow, and then gradually decreases, which is more unacceptable.
  后来,在1980年代,侧面出现了带有白色字母或白色侧带的轮胎,一些公司甚开发了透明轮胎,但实际意义并不大。 随着技术的发展,二氧化硅替代了炭黑,彩色轮胎再次出现。 这次技术更加成熟,但是市场接受度仍然不高。
  Later, in the 1980s, there were tyres with white letters or white sidebands on the side. Some companies even developed transparent tyres, but the practical significance was not significant. With the development of technology, silicon dioxide replaces carbon black, and color tire appears again. This time, the technology is more mature, but the market acceptance is still not high.
  "Color" induced invalid, return to original state
  在经历了两个世纪的“色彩”诱惑之后,在“失败”没有结果之后,人们逐渐习惯了黑色,不再感到如此抢眼,高个子不再使用轮胎来宣传自己的身份。 黑色仍然是轮胎行业的主导者,但与此同时,技术也赋予轮胎更多的色彩,仅是一种装饰和时尚。
  After two centuries of "color" seduction and no result in "failure", people gradually get used to black, no longer feel so eye-catching, and tall people no longer use tires to promote their identity. Black is still the leader of the tire industry, but at the same time, technology also gives more color to tires, just a kind of decoration and fashion.

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