

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2019-06-19 发布人:


  At present, reciprocating piston gasoline engine and diesel engine are widely used in forklift trucks. The fuel used in gasoline engines is gasoline. It consists of two organizations and five systems.
  It is organized by internal combustion engines for energy conversion and power transfer. It mainly consists of cylinder block, cylinder head, piston, connecting rod and crankshaft.
  It is the ventilation mechanism of internal combustion engine, mainly composed of intake and exhaust valves, camshaft and transmission components.
  3. The air supply system ensures that fresh combustible mixture and exhaust gas enter the cylinder. It mainly consists of air filter, fuel filter, carburetor, gasoline pump and intake manifold.
  It is a system that provides smooth oil for the exterior of the moving parts of the internal combustion engine. It mainly consists of oil pump, oil filter, pressure limiting valve and pipeline.
  Cooling system is a system for absorbing and discharging waste heat from heating parts of internal combustion engine. It is mainly composed of pumps, radiators, cooling fans and other components.
  6. 焚烧炉是一种确保电火花在正常时间发生,以点燃气缸内压缩可燃混合物的装置。它由焚化盘管、分配器和火花塞组成。
  6. Incinerator is a device that ensures that electrical sparks occur at normal times to ignite gas cylinders to compress combustible mixtures. It consists of incineration coil, distributor and spark plug.
  7. 起动系统用于内燃机设备的起动,主要由起动器和附属设备组成。
  7. Starting system is used for starting of internal combustion engine equipment, mainly consisting of starter and accessory equipment.
  Diesel engine uses diesel fuel. The structure of diesel is the same as that of gasoline engine. The fuel supply system of diesel engine mainly consists of air filter, diesel filter, oil pump, fuel injection pump, governor, injector, intake manifold and exhaust manifold.

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